THE UNCANNY X-MEN #140B | יד שניה - 1980
THE UNCANNY X-MEN #140B | יד שניה - 1980
יוקה ואוסף הקומיקס יד שניה המשובח הזה נועדו זה לזו כמו קלארק קנט ולואיס ליין, כמו לוק קייג' וג'סיקה ג'ונס, כמו אריק ובנץ - הוא שמור, הוא נדיר, הוא חתיך וחלק ממנו יכול להיות שלכם (או כולו אם אתם מתפרנסים לא רע אבל גם תשאירו קצת לאחרים טוב?)
כל החוברות במצב טוב מאוד ושמורות בניילון איכותי.
Outside the X-Mansion, Colossus struggles to remove a tree stump from the ground when Angel drops in. Colossus explains that he finds the work clearing the ground to be a relaxing reminder of his former life, but then Angel is called away by Professor X. Xavier asks him his opinions of his new teammates, all of whom Angel has no problems with except for Wolverine. Calling him dangerous, Angel worries that Wolverine could hurt one of his teammates during one of his berserker rages. Professor X defends Wolverine, saying he has great potential and that Professor X considers part of his mission to help Wolverine fit into society. In Salem Center, Storm picks Kitty up from dance class, and finds herself jealous of the close relationship Kitty has developed with Stevie Hunter. Meanwhile, in Canada, Nightcrawler is attacked by Wendigo. He manages to elude the monster for awhile, but ultimately is punched into Alpha Flight's cabin and knocked out. Wolverine and Alpha Flight rush outside and manage to fight Wendigo off.
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